How Mpuuga Was Cleared, Hailed As Hero At Kitovu Mass

In a cheerful turn of events, Nyendo-Mukungwe MP Mathias Mpuuga got a sigh of relief after pulling off a fruitful thanksgiving ceremony organized at Kitovu Sports Arena, in Masaka city on 21 June 2024.
Attended by clerics from all sects led by Mpuuga’s Catholic faith, MPs from at least three parties of the six with representation in the August house, leaders of some political parties, dignitaries from Buganda Government led by Robert Wagwa Nsibirwa, the second deputy premier, the clan leaders, former MPs, and members of the general public from across Uganda, Mpuuga disproved critics.
With a sitting capacity of about 20,000 people, Kitovu Sports Arena, the biggest stadium in Masaka city, was packed to attend the thanksgiving mass despite immense efforts leaders of the largest National Unity Platform (NUP) led by ever-complaining LoP Joel Ssenyonyi, invested in foiling it through demobilizing visitors.
The demobilization campaign targeted the chief guest, Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga, but he defied the odds, after delegating his deputy Nsibirwa to deliver his message, Arch Bishop Paul Ssemogerere, did the same in delegating Msgr. John Baptist Ssebayigga, the Vicar General for Kampala Diocese to represent him as the head of the Catholic Church, here.
Others in the target were NUP MPs, but a number of them showed up and the public especially in Masaka City and the greater Masaka.
Lifting Speeches
Shortly after an approximately one-hour mass, different personalities were invited to the podium to address the cheerful congregation which had already made their exonerating judgment through a song dubbed “Mpuuga Teyabba, baamulanga Bwerere” loosely translated as “Mpuuga did not steal, he is falsely being accused.”

Mpuuga’s foes from inside his NUP had since February 2024, accused Mpuuga of illegally taking Shs500m as a service award intended to appreciate his service during his tenure as a LoP. Also in attendance at the thanksgiving mass, were Esther Afoyochan, Prossy Mbabazi, and Solomon Silwanyi, the three NRM backbench Commissioner with whom Mpuuga is accused of earning Shs400m each, equally as service awards.
Busiro East’s Medard Sseggona was the keynote speaker, who used his space to offer an extensive explainer on the questioned Shs500m service award, which has been proved the major weapon, remaining in the arsenal of those working every day to shrink Mpuuga’s “hard-to-damage reputation.”
“Let me respond to hard questions which all other people are afraid of talking about,” Sseggona proclaimed, “it is true, the parliamentary commissioners and the LoP at the time were given a service award. I was hurt, because I would also like to be appreciated, but your employer decides to appreciate you.”
“Therefore, I have no problem with people who got the service award from their employer who was legally mandated to make such decisions, I have the problem with people who chose to twist facts yet they know the truth that these things are acceptably done,” Sseggona said to the cheerful congregation.
He expressed his anger to those “who ignorantly speak about the service award,” asserting “an ignorant person has no right to speak on particular issues he knows nothing about because he confuses citizens.”
He gave the history of payments to past leaders of opposition saying that different benefits attendant to the position have been evolving from time to time to present day.
He said that unlike today where LoPs are enjoying various benefits, the late Paul Kawanga Ssemogere did not have “even a secretary or a driver payable by Government. But as time passed by, the subsequent LoPs were given better emoluments compared to their predecessors.”
According to Sseggona, better payments to LoPs started during Prof. Ogenga Latigo’s 5-year reign (2006-2011) who was the first to hold the position after the restoration of multiparty dispensation in 2005. He said successive LoPs, Nandala Mafabi, Wafula Oguttu, Winnie Kiiza, Betty Aol and Mathias Mpuuga, each “earned more money than the ordinary MPs because they have higher responsibilities. Even as a chairperson of a committee, I have another separate allowance different from that of other MPs.”
Sseggona, eloquently explained, “Parliamentary Commissioners, earn more allowances just like the case when it comes to MPs of far-reaching constituencies and the current LoP [Joel Ssenyonyi] earns better than all MPs and it’s not MPs to determine their salaries and emoluments, but the Parliamentary Commission.”
Regarding the processes, Sseggona clarified to people that the President originates the Parliamentary Commission budget just like other MDAs and different Committees of Parliament supervise different Government MDAs.
“Parliamentary Commission is supervised by the Committee on Legal Affairs to which I am a member, the committee received budget proposals from the Parliamentary Commission which contained among others, the service award which is at the centre of debate by all including those who are aware of the process, ignorant and those who do not care to know the truth,” Sseggoma said.
He added that from the Committee on Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, the Parliamentary Commission budget was referred to the committee on the budget, which wrote a report that was submitted on the floor of the whole house before being subjected to the Committee of Supply, which appropriates monies to different sectors of Government.
“Therefore, it is not true to say that MPs who sit on the Parliamentary Commission sat and distributed money amongst themselves,” Sseggona concluded the issue, “it is true, they proposed the Parliamentary Commission budget which we all passed. If that is a crime, we were all culpable, as a whole Parliament. And if it’s a punishment, it should be given to each MP who passed that budget…”
When the service award issue was cleared with a very eloquent and moving speech, the congregation erupted in cheers and applause chanting their song once again.
Speaking on behalf of those living and working in Buddu, Pokino Jude Muleke, the wider County chief who also doubles as their chairperson rose to say, “I would like to emphasize to you all, that civilization is a valuable virtue.”
He asked people to always “use [brains) in heads than mouths. In Buganda, we know wind is synonymous with the month of July, but when that wind comes, it takes many things including dust, and garbage and sometimes, breaks trees and houses. I urge you to be resilient to avoid being blown away by the wind.”
Muleke called for “unity despite religious, tribal, and political affiliation differences,” asking Mpuuga to “remain a strong person who is ready to pursue beliefs on behalf of people, challenges notwithstanding.”
Professor Magandaazi Nsamba, the head of Mpuuga’s Engabi clan said,“…God gifted Mpuuga with rare attributes. He was endowed with calmness, patience, tenacity, determination and a people’s person and according to Science; he inherited all these from his parents.”
Nsamba said, “in this modern era, no one who doesn’t like electricity because it powers almost all things.” He hurried to add, “however, if electricity surpasses its voltage levels to start burning everything connected to it, it becomes extremely dangerous which prompts us to contact the electricity distribution company to reduce on voltage so we can enjoy electricity.”
In a veiled message, Nsamba who handed Mpuuga a spear and special gift bearing the words “Mpuuga Is My Leader,” warned the opposition leaders to avoid engaging in unnecessary fights amongst themselves over small matters because it will derail their bigger fight against the ruling NRM’s Museveni who seems to be focused on maintaining his 39-year grip on power.
In his message delivered by Owek. Nsibirwa, Katikiro Mayiga hailed Mpuuga as a heroic leader who has used his life and leadership credentials to serve Buganda and Uganda at large, diligently.
“I have known Owek. Mpuuga for a long time having begun his public service from Mengo [Government] when Kabaka appointed him a youth Minister on top of other various responsibilities. As his supervisor, he excellently performed his duties which included mobilizing and mentoring the youth whom Kabaka gave his generation.” Mayiga said amid appreciating Mpuuga for maintaining loyalty to Kabaka.
“When he opted for active partisan politics in 2011, I hasted because I perceived him as a young man, however, his representation in parliament has championed ordinary persons’ issues. As the LoP, he performed his duties based on the human rights approach and rectifying service delivery. The Buganda Kingdom is among those that benefited,” Katikiro said, “for all the time he has been in leadership service, he has never denied his Kabaka.”
Regarding today’s divisive politics, Katikkiro urged leaders to embrace kindness to build a harmonious Uganda for all.
“The thanksgiving comes at a time when politics is infested with divisions, disparaging, abusing each other, etc, but I urge politicians to calm down, respect and listen to each other and embrace forgives,” Katikiro said, “politics without kindness cannot help to build Uganda for all.”
Before Katikkiro’s speech, backbench commissioners, Afoyochan, Mbabazi, and Silwanyi had already hipped praises to Mpuuga’s exceptional leadership style at Parliament.
“Mpuuga simply says something as it is. So, when he tells you that he didn’t steal, then he didn’t. That is what causes us issues because we despise our elders,” she said, Afoyochan.
Mbabazi, another commissioner, voiced disapproval that Mpuuga’s people were cutting his wings.
“Let me thank you for the good leadership of Mathias Mpuuga. Someone asked me when I was in my constituency [that] what is wrong with Baganda? ‘they keep fighting their own” she wondered.
Solomon Silwany wondered why Shs500m is being used to bring down Mpuuga yet other former public servants had been paid retirement packages in billions as a token to appreciate their services.
“They have been saying Mpuuga stole…why do you people in Masaka think it is bad that Mpuuga is given Shs500m as a service award while others are getting it in the form of billions? Who bewitched you? What is wrong with you people of Masaka?,” Silwany asked.